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Grozs ir tukšs
Buy at and get back all the VAT you paid!
Tax Free service rules and conditions:
- You have permanent residence in a non-EU country and have a document confirming this (e.g. passport, permanent resident card or study/work contract)
- The total amount of purchases is at least €40, the goods are new and unpackaged
- The seller fills out the tax free form after receiving order payment and your request for tax free than gives or forwards the form via e-mail.
- You have 3 months from the date of purchase, during which you must export the purchased unpackaged goods from the European Union, i.e. you must show all the goods and the declaration form to the customs officer. The declaration is confirmed by the customs officer with a physical or digital stamp.
- When paying for goods in the store or online, the full amount is paid, and the VAT will be refunded later in cash or by bank transfer.
- If you prefer to transfer the fee to a Lithuanian bank a commission fee will be applied, which will be deducted from the refundable amount. The commission fee consists of the costs of the transfer fee, which is charged by the bank itself.
- If you prefer to get the fee in cash or transfer it to a bank operating in Lithuania, we will refund the ENTIRE VAT amount.
- The benefit can be recovered within 3 years from the date of purchase of the goods.
If you have any questions or would like to receive additional information about the Tax Free service, contact the staff by phone or e-mail
Additional information for Russian citizens:
Russian citizens cannot use the Tax Free service if they buy goods that fall into the list of so-called luxury goods. These are usually items priced above €1,000. For more detailed information, please contact our staff.